Award Time

Thanks to Laura @ Library Of Clean Reads for passing this award on to me!

I now have the privilege of passing on this award to others in accordance with the following rules:

Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you enjoy. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Since 15 is such a big number, I'm passing this award on to:

Thanks to Molly @ Book Reviews By Buukluuver81 for this award on to me!
1. Every winner of the Prolific Blogger Award has to pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers. Spread some love!

2. Each Prolific Blogger must link to the blog from which he/she has received the award.

3. Every Prolific Blogger must link back to This Post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.

4. Every Prolific Blogger must visit this post and add his/her name in the Mr. Linky, so that we all can get to know the other winners. (Click here for the Mr. Linky page.)
I'm passing this on to the following 7 bloggers:

Thanks to Esme@Chocolate & Croissants for this great award.

This is a two part award.

First I list ten things that make me happy and then pass this along to 10 blogs that make me happy.

What makes me happy:
1. My family
2. My doggy
3. The beach
4. A good book
5. A good movie
6. My camera
7. A funny sitcom
8. Sleeping late
9. Pizza
10. Chocolate

So what blogs make me happy:

Even though I don't leave comments all the time, I do visit these blogs often. I've joined the 100 Comment Challenge so you should see me commenting more in the future.

Winner: The One Day Way

Thanks to everyone who entered!


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Timestamp: 2010-01-28 06:09:26 UTC

Lindsey said...8

Trying to shed some yucky baby weight and would love this book!

Winner: Tropical Traditions Whole Golden Flax Seed

Thanks to everyone who entered.


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Timestamp: 2010-01-28 05:48:19 UTC

Arlene said...7

Already A Tropical Traditions email subscriber

Book Tour & Review: Lone Star Legend

About the book:
When Sandy Saavedra lands her dream job with the popular website ¡Latino Now!, she can't wait to write hard-hitting pieces to combat all those stupid Latino stereotypes. While visions of Pulitzers dance in her head, her editor in chief is suddenly laid off, replaced by the infamous Dolores Villanueva O'Sullivan. Dolores has one mission: make ¡Latino Now! an internet phenomenon, no matter how many pandering puff pieces she has to pack onto its pages. Sandy doesn't see how she can keep this job without losing her soul, especially when she's sent to Middle-of-Nowhere Texas to investigate the dumbest legend her people ever created, the Chupacabra. She fears she's about to fail an assignment-and lose her job-until she meets Tío Jaime, a grandfatherly hermit who might be crazy, or might be the best thing that ever happened to Sandy's career.

My Thoughts:
I've never read a book about a blogger before, so this was very interesting to me. Sandy was very likable, as were most of the other characters. This is a book that you can relate to about your own blogging life, work life and relationships and you find yourself drawn into the book. The author has added a lot of humor and that was also a very big plus to me. The main thing I liked about this book was how "real" Zepeda made the characters. I think there's a little of Tio Jaime in so many of our own grandfathers or neighbors. I also liked the fact that Sandy wanted to stay true to her beliefs in her personal and professional lives, and that each chapter started with an entry from her "blog" and sometimes a few comments. This was the first book I've read by this author, but now I really want to read another book of hers, Huston, We Have A Problem


Places You Can Find The Author:

*Thanks to Miriam and Hachette Book Group for this review copy*

Review: An African Tale

An African Tale by Enna Neru
This is a story of African folklore and starts in the past with a very powerful god named Molemo. Molemo controlled the rain, drought, wind, storms etc. When he got angry with the way people were wasting water etc., he would cause a storm to warn the people to change their ways, and for a while they respected the land, but soon would go back to their wasteful ways. Finally Molemo had enough. He sent a furious tornado to destroy the people and villages. When he discovered his tremendous power was fading, he put everything he had left into a stone that would be passed on to whoever finds it.

Many years later when the land is dry and the people are dependant on water finders, a man named Moaki uses his son Ledimo's water finding powers and tells everyone he is the one with the gift. Finally Ledimo has enough and kills his father. He then finds the stone Molemo hid. Molemo comes to him as a voice and tells him he will now be a semi-god and have powers beyond his imagination. When he realizes just how much more power he has, he is thrilled. Ledimo will live for a very long time and when he dies the stone is passed to some of his descendants. But no one, including Ledimo, heeds the voice of Molemo, so there are many disasters.

This is the first African lore I've read, and I enjoyed the book, but the use of so many names that sounded alike kept throwing me off and I had to back track to see who was who on several occasions. In the second part of the book there are a few places that you have to pay very close attention or you will get lost. All in all I enjoyed the book and think it would be a good book for children and even adults.

*Thanks to the author Ennu Neru for this review copy*

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